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“The Staff”

symbolAs the theme of the General Chapter of 2017 is “SCJM, Do you love me? Feed my sheep”

(Jn. 21: 15) which calls for the following of Jesus’ style of leadership as a Servant Leader. Therefore the chosen symbol for our Province is a “Staff/scepter/Aasa.

In the Biblical context, the symbol of the staff draws our attention to the role of leadership. It signifies total trust in the power of God. It is a sign of the chosen ones, such as kings, shepherds and prophets.

In our culture, Aasa is a symbol of power and authority in leadership. Due to uneven paths and climatic conditions, it also provides support and safety against animals, thieves and unsolicited intruders.

For the Christian community, the Staff is a strong symbol of God’s presence that accompanies us to protect us from any harm and danger.  The staff intensifies the role of shepherd (leader) to guide, lead, direct and redirect, accompany, shows the right path, animate and above all, it is to take the sheep to new horizons.

Today, Jesus invites each one of us to have trust in Him and remain in union with Him so that together with  all the SCJMs in Pakistan, we may act and move forward in response to the demands of His love; “Do you love me? Feed my sheep” and thus participate more intimately in His servanthood mission.


Dear Sisters

“ Do you love Me? … feed my sheep …feed my lambs   

                                                                         John 21:15

The whole Congregation has been called by Jesus to feed his sheep in response to Jesus “Do you love me?” during the EGC 2015. Since then we have been reflecting on this theme chosen for  the General Chapter 2017 . With the powerful guidance of the Holy Spirit and attentive listening to the voice of the Jesus from within and through each in the context of each province, the cry of the vulnerable from the emerging peripheries, the call of the Church through Pope Francis, the GC2017 arrived at the Orientation: ‘Nurturing Integrated Life Style’, ‘Discerning Creatively for Mission’, ‘Weaving Solidarity and Communion’ and ‘Recommendations for Leadership’

In the guidelines of the Orientations presented by the GC 2017, the delegates of the Provincial Chapter discerned and worked together listening to the Holy Spirit to hear what the Lord is calling us to. The daring steps taken in the light of the Orientations of the GC 2017 will help us to listen to the call of our Good Shepherd and to respond to Him by listening to the cry of His sheep in the new emerging peripheries and then taking care of them and feeding them.

Sisters, I invite each one of you to listen eagerly to Christ’s Call, “SCJM, do you love Me, …..feed my sheep, feed my lambs” , invest all our time, energy and resources in realizing the vision and mission of the General Chapter 2017

 Sr. Sophia Patras

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